Every fifty minutes someone in the United States is killed by a drunk driver.
Police and Highway Patrol are working to slow this epidemic with surprise DUI checkpoints set up in towns and cities across the country. Cars are stopped without warning and drivers who fail their roadside test and are suddenly arrested, handcuffed and jailed. Some are repeat alcohol abusers who have been stopped many times. Some are casual drinkers who had too much wine at dinner. But for all of them their lives come to a stop and, for many, a dramatic change.
This documentary series follows real people as they are stopped, tested and arrested at DUI check points and processed through the justice system. Arrestees might be on probation for a prior offense, or in a child custody battle, or struggling to hold down a job. Everything stops for the D.U.I. What happens next is a lesson for us all.
No actors. No scripts. Just the real stories of real people and their DUI arrests.